Florida Debates Legal Gambling

A raging debate is still echoing through the chambers of Florida’s state congressional contingent. This debate surrounds which types of legislation are most beneficial in terms of economics for the citizens of Florida and the public institutions that depend on state-level revenue to fund their programs. However, the battle this time is between both houses of Florida’s congress rather than between parties.

Both houses of Florida’s congress have the intentions of backing separate pieces of individual legislation related to the gaming industry of Florida, with both asserting that the legislative items that they both are proponents of as having equivalent value to the populace of Florida as well as the federal organizations that will benefit from the proposed pieces of legislation.

The legislators have in common the fact that Florida’s citizenry is open at least in many of Florida’s counties to legalizing the gaming industry in Florida. Because of this support and also because of the legislative process utilized in Florida, the Senate’s proposal is most likely to be the proposal that can be enacted swiftly to make the proposed expansion of Florida’s standing casino industry.

The legislators have in common the fact that Florida’s citizenry is open at least in many of Florida’s counties to legalizing the gaming industry in Florida. Because of this support and also because of the legislative process utilized in Florida, the Senate’s proposal is most likely to be the proposal that can be enacted swiftly to make the proposed expansion of Florida’s standing casino industry.

The legislators have in common the fact that Florida’s citizenry is open at least in many of Florida’s counties to legalizing the gaming industry in Florida. Because of this support and also because of the legislative process utilized in Florida, the Senate’s proposal is most likely to be the proposal that can be enacted swiftly to make the proposed expansion of Florida’s standing casino industry.

In prior weeks in Florida, the case has been significantly altered by the invocation of a Florida Supreme Court decision that places the initiatives on the ballot to be voted on in 2018. This legislation will be labeled on the Floridian ballot as the Voter Control of Gambling amendment, and it ended any chances that a resolution could be hammered out between the two competing legislating entities and their ability to negotiate a combined resolution containing key initiatives present currently on each competing piece of legislation.

Although the Florida house has opposed all legislation concerning the senate’s proposal to expand the gambling region of Florida from its current home in mainly the South Florida region, the senate pushed expansion in their legislation. To accomplish this expansion, the Florida senate proposed issuing new licenses for gaming and new games along with these proposed licenses that would be stratified strategically to expand the gaming industry beyond South Florida’s imaginary, but very real internal gaming borders.

However, many experts assert that the Florida Supreme Court’s decision was not without favor for one position over another. It is the opinion of these experts that the rendered decision allowing for the Voter Control of Gambling amendment gives the senate proposal a better chance to be enacted rather than the proposed legislation offered by the Florida House of Representatives, and certain Senators are confident enough in this assertion that they have publicly stated as much even though they express grave reservations.

Many of the reservations to this amendment rest in the notion that much of the ability to negotiate with tribal entities would be drastically reduced, although licensing control will remain within the powers of Florida’s state government. Although the proposed amendment would face litigation hurdles, proponents are confident that this is a de facto expansion of gambling in Florida and necessary for the increased revenue potential.