Google Android Booming in UK Gaming Market

The Google Android operating system for mobile phones is about to take over half of the mobile entertainment market share in the UK. Over the course of 2010, the OS saw a 35% growth in value, and experts in the industry do not see this trend slowing down anytime soon.

This year, Android’s market share grew to 44.5%, and it won’t be long before it takes over half of the market. This could partially be due to the decline of the Symbian operating system which has been targeted toward European mobile customers. In just a year, its market share has dropped from 20% to 10%. While the Nokia-powered OS was expected to appeal to mobile users in Europe, users from across the UK, France and Germany are leaning towards Android devices.

Although Apple is the brand that most mobile game developers are focusing on, they may need to revamp their strategy as more and more users become attracted to the Android operating system. With all of the steam that Android is gaining, especially in European countries, it won’t be long before online gaming operators are turning their attention away from the iPhone and the iPad.

This surge has resulted in many manufacturers upping their game, as Microsoft is now looking to challenge the success of the Android. Apple’s plans for the iPhone 5 also seek to rival Android devices.

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