Facebook has recently announced the release of its first real-money gambling application. Designed by GameSys, Bingo Friendzy gives players the chance to take part in online bingo games in which actual cash prizes are awarded. The game has gone over well with players from the United Kingdom, where gambling is a common leisure activity, but how to Canadians feel? A survey issued by the CBC aims to find out.
It is not a scientific study, merely a one the gauges social opinions on the matter. It asks if players would feel inclined to take part in casino gaming on Facebook and offers a few responses:
”Yes, it sounds like fun”
”Maybe, depending on the prizes”
”No, it has no place on Facebook”
”No, I don’t like online gambling in general”
”No, I don’t gamble”
”Not sure”
As it stands, only 10% of Canadians would gamble on Facebook. 25% state that they do not like online gambling while another 32% state that they do not gamble at all. 2% are undecided and would like to see the types of prizes that are available first while 4% simply do not know.
Of all respondents, 25% state that they do not believe online gambling has any place on Facebook. It seems that most Canadian internet users believe that gambling and social networking do not have anything to do with one another and that relationship should continue.
One of the main concerns is that Facebook gambling may expose young people to gambling. However, stringent identification verification ensures that individuals under the age of 18 do not have access to the game; so, underage gambling should not be a worry in parents’ minds. Underage Facebook users will also be blocked from seeing any of the application’s activity on the adult friends’ news feeds.