The non-profit organization, Know the Score (Kts2) has announced recently that they will be going on tour across Canada. They will visit over forty campuses this year, and spread their message about gambling responsibly.
Know the Score (Kts2) is a non-profit of The Canadian Responsible Gambling Council. Kts2 will have representatives visiting Canadian universities to educate students that gamble, as well as students who do not gamble. The myths and realities of gambling will be the topic being covered mainly. Kts2 tour will focus on four key gambling messages, which include :
* The player’s odds of winning and losing.
* Signs of gambling addiction.
* Where help can be sought if a person does have a gambling problem.
* How to gamble responsibly and smart.
With the increase of online gambling readily available, from computers, to mobile smartphones to tablets, the Responsible Gambling Council believes the time to strike is now, before its too late for many students.
One campus that will be receiving a visit from Canada’s Responsible Gambling Council’s Kts2 team is the University of New Brunswick. One student has expressed that they don’t gamble themselves, but that many people don’t notice that they even gamble, because it develops into a problem without many realizing it.
With the rising cost of university, and so many cash starved students, there is fear that gambling could be viewed as a quick way to make money, and unforuntealy, students end up in more debt because they don’t know when to stop.