When the OLG first announced that it wanted to build new casinos in designated zones across the province, Sudbury was one of the first cities to step forward and express interest in the idea. Now, Sudbury is in the initial planning stages of the new casino and there are four potential sites that developers are considering.
The casino could be built at one of four locations: South End, Kingsway East, Sudbury Downs or downtown Sudbury. City staff is currently working on developing reports for each location, weighing the pros and cons of each site. Population density, traffic levels and local amenities will all be considered in each report. They will provide developers with a good idea of which site will be best suited for the construction of a new casino in Sudbury.
Sudbury Downs initially emerged as the most popular location, as it is already home to the city’s slot machine parlour. However, politicians believe that a more central location like downtown Sudbury would result in more revenue for the new gambling site.
While reports on each location are being compiled, the local government is working on prequalification. What this means is that each casino developer that is interested in working on the casino will have to bid for the project. This means that they will submit an application and they will be evaluated based on their expertise in running and constructing a casino. They will also undergo financial analysis to determine whether or not they will have the funds to build and operate the new venue.
It is an exciting time for Sudbury, as the construction of a new casino will certainly help to generate more interest in the city. Whether it is from international tourists or residents from other areas of Ontario, many people will be drawn to the new gambling centre.