PlayTech Makes Social Gaming Deal

Social gaming is emerging as a valuable market in the world of online gambling. More and more online casino developers are beginning to work with social gaming companies to expand their reach in the online world. The latest company to coin a deal of this type is PlayTech, which is now working with Skywind Holdings.

With PlayTech being one of the online gambling world’s biggest providers, the deal will make SkyWind one of the fastest-growing social gaming companies. While developers like Zynga see millions of players every month, this deal could easily bump SkyWind’s player population up to a similar statistic.

The new deal will give PlayTech access to social gaming software and systems from SkyWind Holdings. PlayTech will also be able to infuse SkyWind’s software with real-money capability, putting the company at a distinct advantage over its competitors in the social gaming world. The company believes that, in return for SkyWind’s edge in the social gaming world, PlayTech will provide SkyWind with a number of benefits, including content development, online marketing and a wide range of online gaming products.

This is the second deal of this kind to be made in the online gambling world. First, IGT partnered up with Double Down Ltd, one of the most popular Facebook Games providers. The two companies are now working together on Double Down Casino, offering a wide range of IGT-developed games in a free-play gaming environment.

Social gaming seems to be the way forward in the online gambling market. With staying power, it doesn’t seem to be a fad like 3D casino games or interactive slots. So, it is important that operators jump on the bandwagon soon. With IGT and Playtech – two of the gambling world’s biggest providers – already scoping out the market, it will likely prompt other manufacturers to do the same.


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