This week, the OLG announced new plans to modernize the province’s gaming market, and building a new casino in the GTA is among the changes that will be made in Ontario. The planning and construction of a new casino could take up to six years, so the OLG is considering creating a temporary gambling site within the GTA.
The OLG will have to wait for public approval before building the new temporary casino, but Rob Ford seems to be on board with the idea. However, there will still need to be meetings and votes in order to decide on the issue.
The location for the new casino has yet to be decided. While some options are closer to downtown, including the CNE grounds and Ontario place, others a bit further out. The Portlands and Woodbine are also possibilities.
While building a new casino within the GTA is one of the major plans outlined by the OLG, the Commission also has plans to close its less profitable gaming venues. It is expected to create 2300 jobs, but no figures have been released on how many jobs will be lost during the closures of the other casinos. Regardless, the new casino will generate $1.3 billion in additional government revenue.