Scientific Games is known for the casino management systems that it creates, and its most recent contract is with the Stillaguamish Tribe. The trice has a beautiful casino in the woods of Washington State, and they have been expanding the casino to meet the needs of travelers from the immediate region. This article explains how the Stillaguamish are coming out of their shell to become a national name. A new casino management system will help them offer better services to their customer, and more people are likely to visit from Canada, Oregon and Washington.
The Tribe Is Making the Casino More Accessible
Every tribe that owns a casino must make their venue as accessible as possible for guests, and the new casino management system from Scientific Games helps gamblers access their accounts quickly. Gamblers may come to the kiosks set up around the casino to check their account information, and the information will change with every new game played. Rewards, points on the account and cash winnings are all loaded to the same system.
Scientific Games Produces Updated Software
Scientific Games is far ahead of the rest of the industry. Their staff creates software that is easy for everyone to use, and the software works perfectly in kiosks that gamblers access at all times of the day or night. The same software used in the kiosks is available online when gamblers check their balances online, and rewards may be cashed in through the system.
The Rewards System
The new system from Scientific Games will help everyone access and redeem their rewards quickly. A gambler who wishes to cash out their rewards at once may do so in the casino, but a gambler who wishes to hold their rewards will maintain their account for as long as they like. Every gambler is free to approach the system from a new angle, and the finest gamblers are consistently cashing in rewards.
Easy Service for New Visitors
New guests to the Angel of the Winds Casino need not waste their time wondering how they will access their casino accounts. Every kiosk features a touch screen that is simple to use, and the customers will spend but a moment identifying their account information before moving on to another game. Gamblers are often not in the best position to use complicated casino management systems, and the simplification of the new system from Scientific Games helps everyone. There is not a gambler on the floor who will not benefit from the new system.
The Stillaguamish Tribe has pushed forward with a brand new casino management system that will rival even the best casinos in the world. Casinos that use such systems are more likely to have happy customers, and the gamblers who use these systems are cashing out rewards they rightfully earned. A visit to the Angel of the Winds Casino will reveal a brand new system that even a child could use, and gamblers will be pleased with a new system that has them in mind.