When it comes to online gaming, most people usually think of the name Zynga, a popular Facebook games developer that has created popular titles like Zynga Poker and Farmville. However, there are other online gaming brands that are beginning to make a splash in the digital world – you just haven’t heard of them yet. Spil Games is one of these elusive gaming brands, seeing over 170 million users over the course of 2011.
Spil Games saw a vast improvement over the previous year, when just 130 million gamers visited its social gaming websites. With nearly 200 million users, Spil Games has become the most-visited online gaming property in the world. Some of the game websites offered by Spil Games are GirlsGoGames and AGame, two popular UK-based websites. The company’s most popular games to date are Family Barn and Bubble Shooter.
With Spil Games showing such incredible activity, it becomes evident that Facebook is not the only platform available for social gaming. Spil Games are available on a wide range of websites, which do not rely on the Facebook platform in order to operate, which may be one of the reasons the brand has become so popular.
For the rest of the online gaming market, 2011 was a good year overall. 11 billion users logged on over the course of the year to play their favourite online games, and things are only going to go up from here.