Online Casino’s Boycott Kentucky Ruling

The online gaming community is banding together to stand up against the recent Kentucky court ruling that 141 online gaming sites will be shut down if they do not deny access to users in the state of Kentucky within 30 days.

The ruling of Judge Thomas Wingate was also recently backed by Kentucky governor Steven Beshear in a statement on the website in which he said, “No one has been willing to step up and do anything about illegal Internet gambling until now. We must protect our people, especially our children, from this illegal and unregulated activity while also protecting our legal and regulated forms of gaming in Kentucky."

Many online casino players, site owners and industry personnel are outraged at the ruling and argue that Beshear’s motivation was based more on his push for land based casinos in Kentucky and that the attempt to seize the online sites is being used to help his cause.

But now the online gaming community is coming together to boycott land based casinos. Originally suggested by Online Casino Advisory’s Senior Gaming Analyst Sherman Bradley, the boycott of all gambling in the state of Kentucky has picked up much steam. Bradley points out that if Beshear wants to protect the children of his state from gambling then the state shouldn’t be receiving revenue from anyone from the industry.

Now the ball has been set in motion as news around the ruling and boycott have begun to show up in many online casino news sites. There is also a specific website has been devoted solely to pushing the boycott further ( The site offers several suggestions on how to carry out the boycott.

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