The Kahnawake Gaming Commission, based just outside of Montreal, QC, is looking at greatly expanding its gaming options. In addition to launching a new lottery draw, the commission is also considering opening up a new casino in Quebec.
Recently, the KGC has enlisted in the help of an American consulting agency to help determine the impact and feasibility of a new casino in the area. The findings of these two studies will be released in coming weeks, and the commission is looking forward to the results.
This is the commission’s third attempt to launch a new casino. Two previous attempts were voted down during referendums. This time, however, the KGC is doing things differently. By promising that all community members will be able to share in the profits of the new venue, the Kahnawake Gaming Commission hopes that any upcoming votes on the issue will have a positive result.
According to Michael Delisle Jr., Grand Council Chief, the profits from the new casino will help to offset government cuts that have affected the local community. He states that the venue will bring in an additional $20 to $30 million a year. These funds would be incredibly beneficial to local residents.