It should go without saying that technology has totally transformed the way that most consumers around the world engage with the entertainment industry. In the two decades since the internet was introduced to the general public it has completely revolutionized the way the average person discovers and listens to music, the way television is watched and consumed and the way that consumers who enjoy gambling get to play high stakes games.
There was once a time when a gambler had to make the trek to gambling capitals like Las Vegas in the United States, Melbourne in Australia or Macau in East Asia. Now the geographic constraints that could have once held gamblers back from enjoying one of their favorite pastimes no longer exists. As some in the gaming journalism community have noted anyone who wants to enjoy the thrill of being at a casino can do so at their own leisure in the comfort of their own homes.
Because of the internet there are a countless number of online casinos that gaming enthusiasts can access whenever they want to. According to reports online casinos often allow their users to access their games in one of two methods. Those methods include the option to download the casino to one’s computer. The other option allows gaming enthusiasts to access a casino the same way they might watch a music video on YouTube, listen to a song on the music platform Spotify or binge watch a television series on the video-on-demand digital service Netflix.
Nowadays many digital casinos allow the people that patronize them the ability to do the casino equivalent of streaming music by playing games at what are called instant play casinos. Instant play casinos let their users to participate in their games immediately without having to download the casino.
The options of playing an online casino via downloading or instant streaming each come with their benefits and their drawbacks. Individuals that choose instant play casinos will not have to sit through the wait time of downloading an entire casino to their computer. They also do not have to worry about the casino files which can consist of hundreds of games crowding their hard drive and making it perform less optimally than it would without files of that size on it.
As many internet users know downloads of any kind can end up being infected with viruses. Depending on the severity of the virus, a corrupted download could possibly end up ruining the computer that it has been saved to. This is one thing that users who prefer instant play casinos can avoid completely.
However, one aspect that instant play aficionados can find themselves losing out on is in the area of visuals. The graphics of an instant play casino might be comprised by the speed of the internet of the wifi network that is hosting the user playing the casino. However when users choose to download the casino to their hard drive they will be treated to graphics that match the quality that the game’s designers intended for them.