Las Vegas Sands Expresses Interest In Toronto Casino

There are now three big names interested in the prospect of building a new gambling complex in Toronto. First Wynn and MGM expressed their interest in the idea, and no Las Vegas Sands has decided to get in on the action. According to a new report in the Globe and Mail, the company has been exploring potential sites all over the Greater Toronto Area.

Andy Abboud, senior Vice President of Las Vegas Sands, his company is interested in building the Toronto casino within the city’s downtown core.  He is mostly interested in the waterfront, as it would place the casino within proximity of existing tourist attractions.

“We want to be close to existing tourist infrastructures,” says Abboud. “Close to all the best restaurants and theatres”.

While many local politicians are not convinced that a Las Vegas-style gambling complex would be best for the city of Toronto, Mayor Rob Ford and Finance Minister Dwight Duncan are already making plans. With Ontario Place having recently been ruled out as a potential location for the new casino, Ford thinks that Exhibition Place would be the next best option. Duncan believes that a Golden Mile gambling complex on the waterfront is exactly what the city needs in order to drive tourism.

Abboud is committed to the idea of launching an ‘integrated resort’ rather than a sole casino. He wants to see a casino, shopping centre and convention centre all built as part of the new Toronto gambling complex. It would aim to attract local visitors as well as tourists from across Canada and parts of the United States.

A staff report is in the process of being written, examining the best course of action for a casino in Toronto. The report will delve into issues such as job creation, potential revenue and its potential impact on local crime rates. It will also investigate potential sites for the new casino, some of which will hopefully pique the interest of Las Vegas gaming operators.


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