Blackjack Player Announces Google Glass Card Counting App

The world is intrigued by the new Google Glass, which is expected to hit the market by the end of 2013.  Google Glass utilizes smartphone technology in a hands-free format, which will use voice commands to browse the internet.  But one professional gambler believes the wearable computer can help players beat the odds at blackjack.

Colin Jones is based in Seattle, who entered the professional gambling world in 2003.  At the time he only had $2,000 to put his skin in the game, but grew up as a gifted math student, which greatly benefitted him in his gambling career.  After three years as an amateur, Jones put together a team of blackjack players who are all adept at counting cards.  Over the next several years, Jones established a $4 million profitable operation.

Jones later developed an internet site called, which is a blackjack gambling guide with tips on how to effectively count cards.  Jones developed a downloadable app to iPhones and iPads to help mobile players learn the tricks of the trade.  But with the announcement of Google Glass, Jones wants to create an app for the wearable computer as well.  The team feels that up close, in-eye guides and instructions on counting cards will help gamblers become better blackjack players.

However, players are advised not to develop an overdependence on the Google Glass app once the product is brought to market.  Casinos forbid external card counting devices and applications, and pit bosses have removed, or even banned gamblers from playing if they are caught with card counting devices.

Jones says his website and mobile apps are instructional guides that help players learn to internally count cards.  There are no casino laws against players using their own brains to gain a competitive edge against blackjack dealers.  However, most casinos regularly use multiple decks in one game to confuse players, and prevent card counting experts from improving their odds.

The idea is just a concept until Google Glass is released to the market, but blackjack enthusiasts are responding nonetheless.  Any opportunity to gain a competitive advantage in blackjack is important – the house doesn’t always have to win. 

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