Spanish 21

Spanish 21

Spanish 21 is a form of blackjack at online casino sites where players will play with decks that don’t have the 10 card. That is, there are only 48 cards in each deck. This means that the dealer has slightly better odds at the start. However, there are plenty of added rules to the game with the intention of giving the player more ways to win. This ensures that the game has a better payout for players.

This is a game where doubling can work many times or where a dealer can stand at specific points. It is significantly different from traditional blackjack when all its added rules are considered.

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Drawing Rules

To start, there are six or eight Spanish decks with the aforementioned 48 cards. The game works with the same hit, stand, split and double down options that traditional blackjack comes with. However, there are several significant changes that make this game different:

  • Aces can be split more than once if needed.
  • A player can double down on any cards that appear. This means that a player can do this after having three or four cards. Players can typically double down as many as three times.
  • A player can choose to double down after a split.
  • Depending on the casino, a dealer can stand on a soft 17.
  • Players can surrender late in the game. Also, a player who doubles down can also surrender and get the original value back but not whatever was added in the doubling. The late surrender feature typically works on the first two cards that are given out.

The rules for winning and the payouts for the game are different too:

  • A player will always win with a 21 no matter what the dealer has.
  • A player who hits a blackjack will always beat a dealer’s blackjack.
  • A 21 will pay more if added cards are involved. A 21 with five cards as a 3-to-2 payout while it is 2-to-1 for six cards and 3-1 for seven or more cards.
  • A 6-7-8 combination or three 7 cards pays 3-to-2 but it goes up to 2-1 if the same suit is involved or 3-to-1 if spades are used.
  • The bonuses that are offered may not be used in the event that a player splits or doubles down.