A business deal between the Quebec Poker Tournament League and Loto Quebec has recently gone sour, complicating things for poker players across the province. The tournament league has accused the state’s gaming regulatory of refusing to pay for sponsorships and services, and the case has been brought to the Supreme Court of Canada.
Before speaking with Loto Quebec, the Quebec Poker Tournament League published a statement on its website, making the situation public. Loto Quebec was offended that the League would take such steps to damage its reputation, and filed lawsuit worth $175 000 in damages. The lawsuit has been filed against the founder of the league, Andrew Boyer, who is also a World Series of Poker bracelet winner.
In order to settle the dispute amicably, Loto Quebec also asked that the Quebec Poker Tournament League withdraw its initial statement about non-payment. The league has complied, hoping to avoid paying the exorbitant penalty, but Loto Quebec refuses to comment until the Supreme Court has made its decision.
The league has also decided to suspend its activities until the dispute is settled. Until then, Canadian poker players will be left in the middle, searching for alternative outlets through which to take part in poker games.